First there’s my cell phone – a major stress in my life. Yes, I have had it for four years, but compared to most people, I was behind the times in getting one in the first place. The one I have is simple, ‘Lisa-friendly,’ and I dare not get one with a touch screen, fully stocked with ‘apps,’ video, TV, or the ability to be an ‘e-reader.’ Might was well pick out my dress for the coffin, because any of that would do me in. I spend half my time worrying about it: is it charged, have I lost it, have I missed a call…the list goes on. So I stick with my so-called ancient phone, and be happy at least I can use it as a prop to avoid talking to people I know on the street.
I am now, however, lost with out it, connectivity with my kids, forefront. Go figure.
Speaking of e-readers, my relationship with my own is slow in coming, but it’s getting there. I still prefer paper books, the smell of them much more alluring than an e-reader. Someone needs to invent e-smell; if they have ‘new car’ smell you can spray in your car, why not ‘paperback’ smell you can spray on your e-reader?

Then there are debit machines. The lovely little machines at the check-out counter of stores where instead of handing over your treasured germ-infested bills and coins to the cashier, you swipe or stick your card in a machine as indicated. And after a few buttons pressed – VOILA! - it’s like no money left your hands. Well, except it comes out of your bank account anyways, and it’s the same thing, I know, but it’s not….
And every debit machine is different. Some models you swipe your card through the slot. But if you have a high-tech card with a ‘security chip,’ you stick it in the machine and then try to figure out what buttons to push while the people waiting in line behind you telepathically will you hurry up.

The worst thing is almost every store has a different type of machine with a different button configuration – anything from card placement (swipe or insert), to button placement, to obscure directions, to different icon-painted buttons. So as bad as it is that I often pray not to see ‘insufficient funds’ along with a lovely accompanying ‘buzz’ on some machines, it’s also equally embarrassing when you have pressed all the wrong buttons, and the ‘buzz’ has the cashier re-entering the whole thing for me to try the process again. Of course everyone in the line behind me is giving me the evil stare, rolling their eyes, and muttering obscenities. As I ‘ha, ha’ my way through it all, hoping that a few jokes will soothe the uncomfortable moment with the cashier and the patiently waiting customers, I realize that everything would have gone much faster if I just had cash.
And really, I guess what it all boils down to is time. These things that are supposed to save time and make our lives better only causes stress. And for me, it’s the time needed to sit and figure things out, install things, update things, program things, figure out which buttons work for this and that…
God save me if I ever get one of those GPS things for my car or the phone. I might end up in the Himalayas – which actually sounds like a great idea. Think of all the cute goats and monkeys I would meet. I could hide out in the mountains and not have to do laundry or school lunches, but then I wonder if my hairspray would hold up, and what about Starbucks, and what about…


OMG, Lisa, you're hilarious!
ReplyDeleteAnd mostly because I relate all too well to what you write about.
No cell phone here, for example. I'm afraid I won't remember what all the icons are for and the thing will start ringing in the movie theatre and I won't know how to either answer it or turn it off.
And I was mortified when my $13 worth of bridge mix was rejected at the grocery store because something had happened to my debit card. Really.
Luckily I've never got that "strip down facing cashier" instruction because that would be a Very Bad Day for the cashier.
Thank you, Rachel! I hope you were eventually able to get your bridge mix. The silly thing about my techno-stress is that I can navigate a computer any day....go figure. Thanks for reading, and glad I gave you a laugh - and validation! Lisa
DeleteAnd don't forget the new debit cards where you just tap the machine and that's it. I've no idea how that can possibly be secure...
ReplyDeleteAs always, thanks for the laugh. : )
WHAT? What are you talking about, Ros? You mean there is something new I have to learn? Eeee Gad! Sigh - alrighty then. Glad I gave you a laugh, at least! Thank you for reading - Lisa
DeleteLisa, I have to agree with you about the e-reader. I prefer REAL books, it's so satisfying to flip through the pages...something tangible, if you know what I mean. As for debit machines, we have them here in Malaysia, but the cashier does the swiping so I don't mind...or rather I wouldn't be the one embarrassed if the darn thing doesn't work. And cellphones, umm...blush, I have a Samsung Galaxy SII. Bought it over a year ago but the first month was a pain in the a**. After some getting use to (and a lot of cussin') I figured the dang thing out. My two cent's worth.
ReplyDeleteHi Philip from Malaysia! What the heck is THAT kind of phone....oh geez. Long live rotary dial! Thank you for reading...and glad that the cashier does the debit machine swiping! Lisa
DeleteI hear you Lisa!
ReplyDeleteI went backwards in time -got rid of my fancy/dancy phone that scrolled so fast it made my eyes spin.
So, I went to the techno wizards in the mall -and said I wanted a 'phone-phone'. Just a phone. And did they have such a thing?
Yes, for sure they did. So I'm a proud owner of an 'easy-phone'. The young men didn't snorkle at me. They simply smiled. And I went away with my purchase.
Hi Jodie - oh, I am so SO glad they just KNEW what you wanted - and were NICE about it! Congrats on the new phone - and good luck! Thanks for reading, Lisa
DeleteHa ha! I still don't know half the stuff my phone does and my son tells me it's out-dated. He tells me his i-phone is much easier to use but I claim you have to be smarter to use mine. Too bad I'm not.
ReplyDeleteAnd at work it takes twice as long registering people because as soon as you get to contacts out come the 'smart' phones and everyone starts scrolling through. The comment that smart phones are making us stupid is sadly true. When someone remembers a phone number with no electronic reminder it's a minor miracle.
Pat, I know exactly what you mean. I have come across many folks, as well, who don't know a certain phone number - unless they have their cell phone with them. As for the i-phones....eee gad! Stay away! Thanks for reading! Lisa