Growing up, I was surrounded by notions of everything black and white; meat and potatoes. Anything else was just wrong - and weird. Girls took dance lessons for exercise and boys played football (we were a house of three girls), and anything other than that was considered ‘woo woo’ – especially yoga.
My own ways of thinking and opinions blossomed with adulthood, my eyes opened to the world around me - or so I thought. I still kinda thought yoga was…’woo woo.’
In the wee hours of 4:30 am, I go for walks/jogs for overall health, sanity, energy and focus. I stretch before and after, waking my body, my mind, and my limbs, readying me for another day – another workout. The early morning brisk exercise helps me sort out my thoughts, and very often gives me ideas or direction for my writing. My post-exercise stretch helps me center my breathing, relaxing and easing my muscles after a vigorous workout. I then get to the laptop and write. Both these happen whether rain or shine, tired or cranky, or sore or blank.

When I disregarded everything advertised on the pages – the wispy yoga clothes, the ‘different’ yet healthy food, the free-spirited hair-do’s, the tropical yoga resorts in other time zones – I realized I had been doing yoga all along, but in my own way. Exercising in the fresh air gives me mental clarity, erasing negativity, while stretching before and after settles my mind fostering creativity. And, sometimes, I eat healthier - except for all the chocolate.
And when I finally crawl into bed at the end of the day, my mind still sometimes racing, I think about my walk the next morning. I visualize one of my various routes; each curve of the road, each house, hill and landmark – kind of like meditating.
In an article titled ‘Chair Pose’ in the Basics section of the magazine, author Annie Carpenter writes:
In Sanskrit the word for dedicated practice is abhyasa. It is the act of making an effort to reach a goal, wholeheartedly and consistently over time. In yoga, this implies discipline, but it is also a movement towards effortlessness. ‘Practice’ means staying aware of the present moment. This awareness is quickly lost if you get too interested in achieving a pose. Effortlessness arises when you let go of the outcome of practice. You have to make yourself show up, which is hard, but if you stay interested in the practice itself rather that the goal, effortlessness will come.
For a writer, how true this is! Yes, the goals are important, but the act of even showing up – of doing it – and practicing, will make the journey towards the goal effortless. This mindset has helped me not only in keeping up with my exercise regime, but also with my continual writing.
Does this mean I have been following the yoga Sanskirt abhyasa all along? Had I been doing ‘woo woo’ yoga all this time and didn’t even know it?
Yoga isn’t about the wispy clothes or hair, or the fancy resorts. My living room floor is my mat; my neighbourhood my tropical resort. My yoga is what is practiced and meditated every morning as I lie on the floor, clock the miles, and write the words - rain or shine. Who cares what it’s called. And I’ll do the upward facing dog pose my own way, thank you very much.
Love the idea of doing the dog your own way! As a former yoga student - I occasionally beat myself up over my lack of dedicated continued practice but then I remember that meditating while walking is a form of yoga too.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lisa for reminding me that my yoga was never lost - it's there in little bits throughout the day. Keep on ommmming...
See, Ryshia - we all do yoga in our own way. Keep meditating and keep writing! Thank you for reading - Lisa.....Ommmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteWow Lisa,
ReplyDelete4:30 a.m. trundling about outside. You are an inspiration!
Good for you. Getting outside is the key for sure.
I just finished a water exercise class. All of that major undressing/dressing must add to the calorie loss as well. One hopes!
My Yoga teacher used to talk about 'puppy pose'.
That was ultra fun.
Your 'life balance' seems to be working.
Lisa, as always, you're an inspiration! I've been going to yoga for a number of years now (although I can only dream of doing that pose pictured on the magazine cover!). My yoga teacher often says we should have been called human doings instead of human beings because we rarely find the time to just be. And as writers, we tend to live inside our head, so to speak, so it's even more important to find ways to shut off all the noise, inside and outside, and simply be. Namaste!
ReplyDeleteInspiring blog !
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading, Jodie! ahhhh...puppy pose...will have to try that one! And yes, I am sure all that dressing/undressing for your water class counts for SOMETHING! Lisa
ReplyDeleteRos, if you practice enough I am sure you could do that pose on the magazine - I expect a demonstration next time I see you. I like what your yoga teacher said about us human beings/doings - how true that is. Thank you for reading - ommmmmm.....
ReplyDeleteJanelle - thank you for reading! Hope my odd yoga journey is inspiring to you! Lisa