Getting a tattoo hurts – writing doesn’t have to.
I started this blog just over a year ago. Although I know I am not perfect – the craft of writing is ever-evolving and growing – I strive to entertain, warm the cockles of hearts, and inspire. Around the same time I started this blog, I was writing monthly articles for my writing chapters’ newsletter. I promised myself not to recycle articles/stories between the two – and I didn’t. It was all part of my goal to establish a writing routine to write more, as well as hone my craft.
I won’t lie by saying I never panicked – ‘Oh my god, what the heck am I going to write about? There is NOTHING to write about!!!’ I have a family, a job, laundry and bathrooms to clean, never mind a cat and fish to bother me. So sometimes, in the beginning, came up - blank. Coming up with something new every week is sometimes a challenge - no doubt about it. I have days were I am feeling uninspired. It’s only natural – I am a human-being.
But I gave myself a good shake, smacked myself upside the head, and gently reminded myself I am a writer. There is always, ALWAYS, something to write about. Writers write. That’s it. Plain and simple.
Do you ever hear tattoo artists moaning that they have nothing to create? Do you ever see them pouting outside their tattoo parlours? Do you see them moaning ‘I have nothing to design…’ their tattooed arms hanging limp at their side as they slump in a chair. Sometimes creative folk DO slump into an uncreative dry spell. But it’s up to you get it yourself out of it.
There is always something to write about.
The internet (don’t waste too much time lollygagging around on it!) is full of writing prompts to fuel your imagination and get your creativity going. Books and magazines on writing are over-flowing with ideas - the library is waiting for you.
And the best part – there is a whole world around you. What did you/can you learn from what you see – and not just what you see on the surface? What is beyond what you can see, before you?
You have a life you are living right now. You have imagination – use it. You have the ability to write – use it. You have a pen, paper, or computer – use it. You have thoughts, a voice, opinions, and dreams. Grab a pen and get them down.

So quit trying so hard to be the greatest writer in the world. Be yourself – write what YOU want. Relax, let go, and look around for the little things.
Just put your pen to paper and let it fly.
Start spillin` some ink.